(954) 601-2121 Kenyatta.pratt@grxfl.com

What to Know

Drug Allergy Definition: the abnormal reaction of a body’s immune system to a medication; it can be mild (skin rash/itching) to severe (anaphylaxis).

Drug Intolerance Definition: predictable adverse effects or side effects to a drug that occur at a dose normally tolerated by non-hypersensitive persons.

What to Do

 –Properly identify drug allergies vs. intolerances on admission (ask what happened to the patient when the reaction occurred -example: diarrhea is not an allergic reaction)

-Be sure to include all allergies on face sheet, MAR, POS, electronic health record and outside of the chart

-Prior to the first dose of any drug given, reconcile the drug vs. the allergy profile

-Be sure to notify the pharmacy of any changes in the allergy profile of a patient

-Contact the doctor for any potential allergy flags, document the outcome, and communicate it to the health care team